زبان انگلیسیکنکور سراسری

سوالات عمومی کنکور علوم تجربی و ریاضی فیزیک ۱۳۹۸ خارج از کشور؛ درس زبان انگلیسی

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[کل: ۰ میانگین: ۰]

کنکور علوم تجربی و ریاضی فیزیک ۱۳۹۸ خارج از کشور

ماده امتحانی: زبان انگلیسی

تعداد سوالات: ۲۵

از شماره ۷۵ تا شماره ۱۰۰

مدت پاسخگویی ۲۰ دقیقه

کد کنترل: ۶۵۱-A

Part A: Grammar and Vocabulary Directions: Questions 76-87 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases marked (1), (2), (3), and (4). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer sheet.

۷۶- The students were told to make sure ——— during the examination time at school.

۱) their time to not waste

۲) not to waste their time

۳) that do not waste their time

۴) not wasting their time

Answer option: 2

۷۷- Since she ——- the proper lens for her camera, she wasn’t able to take pictures of the unusual scene.

۱) was not bringing

۲) has not brought

۳) had not brought

۴) would not bring

Answer option: 3

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دوره آموزشی مجازی زبان انگلیسی دوازدهم «

۷۸- The modern train appeared to be going as fast as, perhaps even faster than, ———

۱) a car the fastest

۲) fastest cars

۳) a car is the fastest

۴) the fastest car

Answer option: 4

۷۹- The two friends planned to leave their home country ——— September 15th, 2020.

۱) on

۲) at

۳) in

۴) for

Answer option: 1

۸۰- The police are asked to take immediate action to ——— further road accidents.

۱) save

۲) defend

۳) prevent

۴) surround

Answer option: 3

۸۱- Stress can cause a variety of physical ——— ranging from headaches to stomach ulcers.

۱) combinations

۲) disorders

۳) patients

۴) notices

Answer option: 2

۸۲- In my opinion, anyone with ——— values would do everything possible to avoid war.

۱) brave

۲) moral

۳) favorite

۴) hospitable

Answer option: 2

۸۳- The photos Paul takes are almost always the same and boring, but his new collection of photos are ——— exciting and attractive.

۱) unexpectedly

۲) suddenly

۳) invisibly

۴) willingly

Answer option: 1

۸۴- Whenever I want to read an English story, I first ——— the meaning of new words in a dictionary and only then begin reading the story.

۱) stand for

۲) check in

۳) pass away

۴) look up

Answer option: 4

۸۵- Having been a nurse a few years ago was a ——— for Victoria as a mother; it actually allowed her to take better care of her baby.

۱) demand

۲) function

۳) blessing

۴) souvenir

Answer option: 3

۸۶- The old man down the street always ——— to himself. I just realized I don’t even know his name.

۱) keeps

۲) cares

۳) gives up

۴) gets away

Answer option: 1

۸۷- Mary: This watch is for your birthday, Pam.

Pam: Thank you, but this watch looks cheap, so I don’t know if I’m going to wear it. Pam’ mother: ———

۱) The early bird catches the worm

۲) Actions speak louder than words

۳) Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

۴) Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Answer option: 3

Part B: Cloze Test

Directions: Questions 88-92 are related to the following passage. Read the passage and decide which choice (1), (2), (3), or (4) best fits each space. Then mark your answer sheet.

Recent advances in the fields of medicine and biotechnology (88) ——— in situations that could not be even (89) ——— only a generation ago. Battery-operated plastic hearts can be implanted into people. People (90) ——— be kept alive indefinitely by machines. (91) ——— of animals can be made. While such scientific achievements may ultimately help (92) ———, they have also created complex legal and ethical issues.


۱) will result

۲) was resulting

۳) had resulted

۴) have resulted

Answer option: 4


۱) replaced

۲) imagined

۳) compared

۴) required

Answer option: 2


۱) can

۲) should

۳) must

۴) are going to

Answer option: 1


۱) Exactly copies

۲) Copies exactly

۳) Exact copies

۴) Copy exact

Answer option: 3


۱) ethics

۲) behavior

۳) heritage

۴) humankind

Answer option: 4

Part C: Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this part of the test, you will read two passages. Each passage is followed by four questions. Answer the questions by choosing the best choice (1), (2), (3), or (4). Then mark your answer sheet.


For thousands of years, people have tried to find ways to keep food for longer. In the past, this was important as people needed to save fresh food for times when it was hard to find, such as the winter. Today there are still many places without electricity and people living in these places need to preserve food in ways that don’t use refrigerators, They need to make food last as long as possible.

Drying is the oldest type of food preservation. If water is removed from food, the bacteria can’t grow. In ancient times in hot countries, people simply left fruit and meat outside to dry in the sun and the wind until all its natural water was gone. This made the fruit last a very long time. Drying fruit sometimes results in a completely new product. For example, grapes turn into raisins and plums turn into prunes. Drying food in the sun does not work in cooler or wetter climates, but people have other methods to preserve food in cold places.

۹۳- The word “preserve” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ———

۱) need

۲) find

۳) last

۴) save

Answer option: 4

۹۴- What is the subject of paragraph 2?

۱) How food preservation prevents the growth of bacteria

۲) Types of food that can be preserved

۳) Importance of food preservation

۴) A food preservation technique

Answer option: 4

۹۵. In paragraph 2, what is the role of the example of “grapes turn into raisins and plums turn into prunes”?

۱) To describe an unusual event

۲) To support an earlier statement

۳) To describe a food preservation mechanism

۴) To emphasize the function of fruit as a food source in the past

Answer option: 2

۹۶- The passage is most likely to continue with a discussion of ———,

۱) different ways used by people in cold regions to prepare food stuff

۲) why drying was first used in hot countries

۳) some other food preservation methods

۴) how people in cold places found food

Answer option: 3


One single person cannot be named as the one responsible for the invention of the cinema. In fact, Lots of people played a part in the development of the cinema. A man called Muybridge made the first moving picture in 1878. It was a film of a horse running and it was only a few seconds long. By 1895, other people had invented various machines for showing moving pictures, but many of these could only be watched by one person at a time. The development of machines that could project films onto a screen was important. Thomas Edison was one of the first to show very short films to audiences of 20 or more people. His films showed acrobats performing, or everyday events like a man eating!

At first, films were only a few minutes long. They were black and white and silent. They were usually documentaries about different places or news events, or comedies showing people falling over and making funny faces. Later they became longer stories, but there was still no sound. Instead, there might be a musician playing a piano in the hall while the film was shown.

Musicals were probably the most popular kind of film throughout the 1930s and 1940s. A very famous actress and singer at that time was Shirley Temple—she was a five-year-old girl everyone loved watching perform on stage.

۹۷- What question is paragraph 1 mainly intended to answer?

۱) Who invented films?

۲) What did carly films look like?

۳) Why were carly films short and simple?

۴) How long did the cinema take to become popular?

Answer option: 1

۹۸- The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to ————–

۱) films

۲) documentaries

۳) funny faces

۴) places or news events, or comedies

Answer option: 1

۹۹- The passage refers to all of the following as scenes shown in films EXCEPT ———

۱) someone singing on stage

۲) a man eating some sort of food

۳) someone doing acrobatic movements

۴) a musician playing a musical instrument

Answer option: 4

۱۰۰- Which of the following can be concluded about films in the 1930s and 1940s?

۱) They were still watched by a few people at a time.

۲) They were not only visual but also audio.

۳) They still did not have any storyline.

۴) They were musicals only.

Answer option: 2

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